Known by many street names such as magic mushrooms, psilocybin is a psychoactive compound found in certain mushroom species distributed throughout the United States, Mexico, and South America. Many popular artists and pop culture icons have talked about having positive experiences with psilocybin, but the dangers of this drug should not be dismissed. Muscle spasms, vomiting, and loss of coordination can all result from the ingestion of psychoactive mushrooms.
If you have been arrested on suspicion of possessing psilocybin, you may have thought it was not a big deal, but upon your arrest, you may need the guidance of a powerful Columbus psilocybin possession lawyer. With psilocybin’s status as a Schedule I drug, any possession of it can be charged as a felony. Connect with a Columbus drug crimes defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience from Koffel Brininger Nesbitt to discuss the circumstances of your case and understand the penalties you could be facing.
What Psilocybin Is and What It Does
Psilocybin is a psychoactive compound found in certain species of mushrooms that can cause hallucinations and euphoric effects. While currently listed as a Schedule I drug according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), there are ongoing studies about its possible medicinal properties for advanced cancer treatment. However, there are still no widely accepted medical uses for psilocybin.
With psilocybin status as a Schedule I controlled substance, even a small amount in your possession can lead to felony charges requiring the help of a Columbus criminal defense lawyer.
Also known by the street names magic mushrooms, shrooms, and simple Simon, psilocybin is a dangerous drug. Although some individuals may present psilocybin in a positive light, it can cause debilitating symptoms and reduce inhibitions. These reduced natural boundaries can leave users in deadly situations or prevent them from making logical and rational decisions.
The hallucinogenic and euphoric effects of psilocybin led it to be a popular drug of choice for artists, musicians, and attendees of musical festivals. Popularized by bands such as the Grateful Dead and Phish, magic mushrooms have become mainstream options for drug users who believe they can reach transcendental states when under its effects. However, the reality is that psilocybin is an illegal substance that puts its users in critical danger.
For a free legal consultation with a psilocybin possession lawyer serving Columbus, call 614-884-1100
Penalties You May Face for Psilocybin Possession
Depending on the quantity or amount you are found to be in possession of, you may even face first-degree felony charges. As outlined in the Ohio Supreme Court’s quick reference guide for drug trafficking and possession, you could be facing lengthy prison terms if convicted of psilocybin possession.
If you are able to work with the prosecuting attorney and come to an agreement, you may be able to avoid enormous fines or lengthy prison sentences. While technically a Schedule I drug, psilocybin does not carry the same negative connotations that other drugs in that category do. Even though it is still a dangerous drug, psilocybin does not have the same reputation that heroin or LSD carries.
You may also face overeager prosecuting attorneys who want to make an example of you. Even if you think you may not be at risk for jail time due to being in possession of a small amount of psilocybin, its status as a Schedule I substance can leave you vulnerable to prosecution. However, if you are a first-time offender and you can work with your Columbus psilocybin possession attorney to build a robust and plausible defense, you may be able to have your charges reduced to misdemeanor levels or dismissed entirely.
Other Consequences You May Encounter
Beyond the potential for fines and incarceration that follow a conviction for psilocybin possession, there are other consequences that could alter the course of your life. Also known as collateral consequences, a drug crime conviction could result in the loss of professional licenses, damage to relationships with friends and family, reduced employment opportunities, and the stigma associated with a criminal conviction. These consequences could affect your life and future for years to come.
You may be passed over for promotions or denied housing when you have a drug conviction on your permanent record. Many employers, lenders, and landowners routinely run background checks before providing their services. Working with an experienced and committed psilocybin possession lawyer in Columbus can help your chances of coming to an agreement with the court for pretrial diversion programs, community service, or probation.
Columbus Psilocybin Possession Lawyer Near Me 614-884-1100
Possible Defenses for Psilocybin Possession
As with any arrest and accusations of drug possession, being caught with psilocybin may seem like a serious offense, and it is. Psilocybin’s Schedule I status means that even small amounts can be charged at the felony level. Your best defense against accusations of criminal drug possession is knowing your rights, such as your Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights to unreasonable search and seizure and against self-incrimination, respectively.
For example, if you were stopped for a routine traffic violation, and the police officer confused you into allowing an illegal search of your vehicle, you may have had your rights violated. There are only certain circumstances where police can search your vehicle without a warrant. Retaining an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can give you the tools and resources you need to avoid serious penalties.
Even if the police followed proper procedures to the letter, there may still be other opportunities to answer the accusations against you. If you are a first-time offender and did not cause any physical harm or property damage, you could be eligible for pretrial diversion, provided you meet certain requirements. Your Columbus psilocybin possession lawyer with Koffel Brininger Nesbitt can advise you on your best next steps.
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Secure a Strong Defense When You Call Columbus’ Leading Psilocybin Possession Law Firm for Help
While psilocybin may not carry the distasteful stigma that other drugs in Schedule I, like heroin, carry, it can still leave you facing felony drug possession charges. If you have previous convictions or are arrested with large amounts of psilocybin, you will need the psilocybin possession attorney in Columbus that is available to you. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because your charges stem from a plant, that they are not serious because they very much are.
You need to build the strongest defense possible. Koffel Brininger Nesbitt has the knowledge and dedication to provide you with a powerful and comprehensive defense strategy. If you or a close friend or family member is facing psilocybin possession charges, call our offices or complete our fast and secure contact form to get the help you need as soon as today.
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