Case Results

FBI Investigation of house speaker Larry Householder

Successfully represented “Dark Money Group #1” in an FBI investigation and prosecution of then Speaker of the House Larry Householder’s First Energy / HB6 Corruption case.

FBI Investigation of Sex trafficking - No Charges

Successfully represented Arizona executive under investigation by the FBI and DHS for alleged Mann Act violation of sex trafficking. Mr. Koffel’s client was accused of transporting the family’s nanny to the Caribbean for illegal sexual activity. No charges were filed after a thorough and historical analysis of cases arising under the Mann Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2421.

No Charges Filed - Child rape accusation unfounded

Mr. Koffel’s client was accused of molesting his 4-year-old granddaughter. The accusations were made by the client’s estranged daughter. A nearly year-long investigation and total cooperation by Mr. Koffel’s client resulted in no charges being filed.

No Charges Filed - Ohio voyeurism case

Mr. Koffel’s client was detained by local law enforcement after being suspected of surreptitiously recording minors at a Columbus area mall. The client’s conduct was unusual but did not violate Ohio’s voyeurism statute after an exhaustive investigation of his electronic devices.

No Charges Filed - Rape arrest and investigation

Mr. Koffel’s client was accused by a family friend of non-consensual sexual intercourse after a night of heavy drinking.

Rape Case Dismissed Days Before Trial

Our client was accused by his estranged stepdaughter of rape from 5 years ago. The allegations were outrageous. Unfortunately, under current Ohio law and investigative techniques, nobody ever pushes back on accuser’s stories. Detectives, CPS case workers, and medical doctors are instructed not to question accusers. The system leaves this up to defense attorneys. Our client was facing life in prison. He rejected all offers and demanded a dismissal or his trial. The prosecutor eventually agreed to dismiss the case after nearly a year. (State v. W.G., Hocking County, OH).

OVI/DUI Case Dismissed For City Of Columbus Employee

Our client, a 33-year-old employee of the City of Columbus, was arrested for Ohio OVI/DUI after being stopped for failing to use his turn signal while making a right turn into his apartment complex. With an Ohio OVI/DUI conviction, our client would likely lose his job with the City of Columbus. Our client’s breath test result was .132% and he performed mediocre on the field sobriety tests. Some evidentiary issues with the case were brought to the attention of the prosecutor, and after 4 months of representation, the OVIs/DUIs were completely dismissed. Our client pled to a minor misdemeanor turn signal violation. He paid a $50 fine. Represented by Tess Fraser (State of Ohio v. D.I., 2024).


Mr. Koffel’s client was indicted for Rape and Gross Sexual Imposition. The alleged victim was an estranged former stepdaughter. The case was pending for 2 years. Mr. Koffel’s team prepared the case for trial. The Client refused to authorize any plea negotiations. On day two of the trial, the alleged victim suddenly realized that she was off by an entire year as to when she was allegedly raped. The State of Ohio’s indictment was now off by a year. The State asked the trial judge to allow them to amend the indictment. Mr. Koffel objected citing his client’s constitutional right to a fair trial secured by the 6th Amendment, that the entire defense was built around the date range the alleged victim stood by for 2 years. Only until after Mr. Koffel subpoenaed confidential records and shared them with the State of Ohio did the alleged victim realize that her story was not adding up. Once the judge refused to allow the State to amend the indictment, the State filed a dismissal. (State of Ohio vs. J.P.)


Our client was a junior at an SEC school when he was stopped by Ohio State Patrol on a moving violation as he returned to college. The traffic stop was expanded to a full search which resulted in illegal mushrooms and dozens of THC cartridges being found. The client’s family contacted us for representation. After 5 months of representation, the case was resolved with a form of diversion called “Intervention in Lieu of Conviction”. The client’s case will be dismissed after at least one year of random drug tests and counseling. (State of Ohio vs. J.S., Hancock County, Represented by Brad Koffel)


Mr. Koffel’s client was falsely accused of molesting a 5 year old girl. The girl’s father kick-started the investigation once he learned our client was having an affair with his wife. It is believed the father fabricated the allegations to retaliate against our client. Our client learned of the investigation when a detective called and asked him to come in for an interview. The client retained Mr. Koffel’s firm for advice, representation, and a sturdy defense. Over the course of several months, Mr. Koffel’s private investigators were able to develop evidence that negated the client’s guilt. Also, the client executed on Mr. Koffel’s plan resulting in the closing the investigation. (Represented by Attorneys Brad Koffel & Tess Fraser)

Charges Dropped

In the case of State v. K.R., Mr. Koffel’s client, a public-school teacher, found herself in a distressing situation when she was attacked in her own home by her intoxicated boyfriend. Fearing for her safety, she acted in self-defense and stabbed her boyfriend with a letter opener. She promptly called the police, who arrived at the scene and discovered the boyfriend unconscious outside her front door.

However, the subsequent police investigation drew an erroneous conclusion that our client did not have the right to defend herself. Based on this flawed assessment, our client was arrested and her case garnered significant attention when it was published in the Columbus news. The negative publicity not only affected her professional life, but it also smeared her reputation.

K.R. retained the services of Attorney Brad Koffel to investigate the matter and defend her against the felony assault charges she was facing. The charges brought against her were classified as a second-degree felony with a presumptive prison term of two years.

Attorney Brad Koffel conducted a thorough investigation, gathering evidence and presenting a compelling case in defense of our client's actions. Mr. Koffel demonstrated that his client had acted out of self-defense, in line with her rights as a victim of domestic violence.

Upon reviewing the evidence presented by Mr. Koffel, the State of Ohio agreed with his investigation and recognized the flaws in the initial police conclusion. As a result, the state made the decision to dismiss the indictment against our client, thereby dropping all charges. (State v. K.R.)

Not Guilty Verdict

Mr. Koffel’s client was indicted on counts of vehicular homicide arising out of a fatal collision in Knox County just outside Kenyon University in Gambier, OH. The State of Ohio retained Henry Lipian, one of the nation’s leading accident reconstruction experts. Mr. Koffel retained a retired Ohio State Patrol accident reconstruction expert as well as a 3D animation expert from Iowa.

The case proceeded to a 3 day jury trial in June 2023. The jury deliberated less than 4 hours before finding Mr. Koffel’s client Not Guilty on all counts. (State of Ohio vs. B.S., represented by Brad Koffel &Eric Willison).

Not Guilty Verdict

Mr. Koffel’s client was indicted in Hocking County, Ohio on 11 counts from an alleged sexual assault. The case went to trial in 2023. The accuser claimed she was too intoxicated from alcohol and marijuana to consent. The jury returned a Not Guilty verdict on all 11 counts after deliberating for 1 hour. The State was represented by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office special victim’s unit. (State v. A.B., Hocking County, co-counsel Eric Willison).


Mr. Koffel’s client was accused by his 21 year old estranged step-daughter of daily sexual violence over a 3 year period when she was in middle school. However, Mr. Koffel’s client adamantly denied the accusations, passed a private polygraph test and cooperated with the law enforcement. He was indicted for rape, sexual battery and gross sexual imposition. The case was started in August 2020 and proceeded to trial in October of 2022. The case was presented very well by both the State and the defense. The jury worked harder than nearly any jury in Mr. Koffel’s 30 year career – deliberating for 14 hours before announcing they were deadlocked. Under Ohio law the prosecutor can choose to re-try the case or dismiss it. (State v. C.M., Represented by Brad Koffel & Eric Willison).

Not Guilty Verdict

Mr. Koffel’s client, 21, was accused of luring a 15 year old high school girl into a series of sexual encounters in Allen County, Ohio. He was indicted on 3 counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor under R.C. 2907.04 which carries prison up to 54 months and mandatory 25 years on the sex offender registry. The client rejected all plea offers – the final being probation. The case proceeded to trial with the accuser testifying as well as her mother and a 30 year veteran detective of the Lima Police Department. The client chose to testify in his defense. The jury returned a Not Guilty verdict on all counts in less than 90 minutes. (State of Ohio vs. D.H., Represented by Brad Koffel and Attorney Eric Willison).


    Mr. Koffel’s client was indicted for Rape and Gross Sexual Imposition. The alleged victim was an estranged former stepdaughter. The case was pending for 2 years. Mr. Koffel’s team prepared the case for trial. The Client refused to authorize any plea negotiations. On day two of the trial, the alleged victim suddenly realized that she was off by an entire year as to when she was allegedly raped. The State of Ohio’s indictment was now off by a year. The State asked the trial judge to allow them to amend the indictment. Mr. Koffel objected citing his client’s constitutional right to a fair trial secured by the 6th Amendment, that the entire defense was built around the date range the alleged victim stood by for 2 years. Only until after Mr. Koffel subpoenaed confidential records and shared them with the State of Ohio did the alleged victim realize that her story was not adding up. Once the judge refused to allow the State to amend the indictment, the State filed a dismissal. (State of Ohio vs. J.P.)

    Our client, a senior at one of the Ohio universities, was accused of rape by a female student after engaging in sexual activity in his room. The client was detained from his residence hall and interrogated for nearly 3 hours by two police detectives. The client’s family retained Brad Koffel to represent him. After approximately 6 months of representation, the case was closed with no charges. An out of court settlement was negotiated with a civil protection order. (Investigation of A.W., Represented by Brad Koffel).

    Our client, a 19-year-old college freshman was falsely accused of raping a female student. His family retained Attorney Brad Koffel to represent him. Mr. Koffel’s client was arrested and interrogated by two detectives for 3 hours. The client denied any wrongdoing. During the course of our representation, Mr. Koffel was successful in getting the client’s university suspension reversed and we were able to prove that the accuser was not completely honest with the detectives. Both our client and the accuser were intoxicated when the consensual sexual activity occurred. After nearly 5 months of work, the charges were dropped. (State v. A.W., Represented by Brad Koffel).

    Mr. Koffel’s client met a woman on a social dating app. Over the course of time they agreed to meet in person. They found a country music artist they shared an interest in and decided to go to it. The woman drove to Central Ohio and decided to spend the weekend with our client before and after the concert. They engaged in consensual sex before attending the concert. During the concert the woman disappeared. It turned out when she went to the county sheriff’s office and reported that she’d been raped by our client. Mr. Koffel’s team immediately went to work with assigning one of our two former detectives to the case which included significant social media investigation. We discussed very questionable aspects of this woman’s story. Our client also agreed to a private polygraph at our law firm which he passed with flying colors. However, we never agreed to have our client sit for an open-ended interview with the detectives. After just 30 days of representation the detective informed Mr. Koffel’s team that the case would be closed due to insufficient consistent evidence to support an indictment. (Investigation of B.T., Represented by Attorney Brad Koffel).
  • Doctor's Rape Case Dismissed

    Our client is an Ohio licensed physician accused of sexually assaulting a patient in an Ohio hospital. The criminal investigation resulted in no indictment. The Ohio State Medical Board opened a case and scheduled a hearing to have his license revoked. Mr. Koffel’s team prepared for the hearing by subpoenaing the hospital staff and law enforcement that investigated the doctor from the beginning. The day before the Board was scheduled to hold the hearing, the Ohio Attorney Generals office dismissed the case. (OSMB v. R.S, Represented by Attorney Brad Koffel).

  • Not Guilty Verdict

    Our client was accused by one of his daughters of raping her and fondling her from 4 th grade to 8 th grade. Two of his other daughters testified against him as well as his wife. Mr. Koffel exposed numerous lies, exaggerations and omissions during his cross examination of the alleged victim. Also, it was discovered during trial that the these daughters and their mother refer to themselves as “The Sisterhood”. A theme developed during the course of the trial that this was a conspiracy against the dad because the dad’s second extramarital affair had recently been exposed. “The Sisterhood” had a male enforcer (the mom’s new boyfriend) who came to court when the youngest daughter was preparing to testify for her dad and against “The Sisterhood”. Mr. Koffel had this man removed from the courtroom, served him with a subpoena then called him in to testify. He claimed he came to the courtroom to “see his mom”. Finally, our client waived his 5 th Amendment right to testify and took the stand. After closing arguments the judge instructed the jury on the law and sent them back to deliberate. Our client was found Not Guilty in just 35 minutes. (State v. J.D., represented by Brad Koffel and Eric Willison)
  • Rape Indictment Dismissed

    Our client was accused of rape arising out of a sexual encounter at the bars on Lake Erie. The alleged victim and our client met at one of the bars and continued to drink, flirt and dance. Her friends lost track of her and became alarmed. She had gone to our client’s car in the parking lot. They were discovered just as the alleged victim was vomiting. Our client cooperated fully and gave a statement attempting to explain the circumstances leading up to the encounter. A year later he was indicted with an arrest warrant. We were retained immediately. The first jury trial date was scheduled during COVID restrictions and the judge would not permit both Mr. Koffel and Mr. Nesbitt to be present in the coutroom at trial – the judge would only allow on defense attorney at a time. We appealed the judge’s decision and were successful in getting him reversed. On remand, the case was set for another trial. Our client turned down all offers including a misdemeanor sex offense. The indictment was eventually dismissed before trial. Our client subsequently agreed to a misdemeanor non-sex offense. He was sentenced to a $1,000 fine, no jail and basic probation. (State v. K.B, Represented by Attorneys Brad Koffel & Will Nesbitt).
  • Not Guilty Verdict

    Our client was one of the IT employees of a publicly-traded company located in Ohio. After our client was terminated, someone hacked into the corporation’s servers and compromised the network and devices. Naturally, suspicion fell on our client. He was eventually indicted. He maintained his innocence all the way through trial. During the course of trial it was discovered that the company kept a secret list of all the employees user names and passwords on a spreadsheet which was denied by one of the executives of the company. Our client was subsequently found “Not Guilty”. (State v. T.L., Represented by Attorney Will Nesbitt)

  • Rape Case Dismissed

    Our client engaged in consensual sexual activity with a woman that he met at a bar. Both had been drinking extensively. During the course of the evening they decided to go to his car and get into the backseat. Approximately 10 minutes later she began to vomit and passed out. Our client, a nurse, immediately rendered aid to her and others observed what was happening. It appeared to the others that came upon the scene that he had been having sex with an unconscious woman. The police were immediately called. Our client attempted to explain what had actually happened. He was indicted for Rape. The trial judge made a pre-trial ruling that was adverse to our client’s case and we appealed. The Court of Appeals reversed the trial judge and the case was sent back down for trial. During our investigation, we subpoenaed all the video from the bars and discovered that the couple danced together and walked out to the parking lot together – each leaving friends behind. Just days before the trial, the State of Ohio dismissed the rape indictment. Our client agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge. (State v. K.B., Represented by Attorney Brad Koffel & Will Nesbitt).

  • Rape Case Reduced

    Our client was accused of raping a woman in his downtown Columbus condominium. He is a Chinese national and a conviction of nearly any kind would have resulted in his deportation. The woman immediately fled our client’s condo after the sexual encounter and returned with the police. Over the next several months her story and version of events began to unravel leading to the prosecutor’s office agreeing to drop the rape case. Our client pled guilty to a misdemeanor criminal mischief and ordered to pay a $250 fine. (State v. K.C., Represented by Attorney Brad Koffel & Will Nesbitt).
  • Juvenile Rape Case Reduced

    Our client, a high school boy, left his home in the middle of the night and went to a former girlfriend’s home. She came outside and they met in the backyard. Soon they were engaged in consensual sexual activity. Several weeks later, after the girl learned that our client had a new girlfriend, she told her brother that our client raped her. Her brother told their mom and mom called the police. Our client was charged with rape & gross sexual imposition in juvenile court. The case lasted nearly a year. Just a few days before the trial, Mr. Koffel discovered the fact that the girl had deleted select texts between her and our client which were very exculpatory. These texts corroborated the fact that the girl voluntarily went outside to engage in sexual activity with our client. Nonetheless, to avoid a trial, our client agreed to admit to a misdemeanor assault. He was placed on probation. (State v. N.D., Represented by Attorney Brad Koffel)

  • Not Guilty Verdict

    Mr. Koffel’s client, a Lieutenant with the Columbus Fire Department and career military father of 3, was falsely accused of felony assault in Licking County, OH. The indictment accused our client of viciously assaulting another driver in early 2022. Throughout the defense investigation discrepancies in the “victim’s” version of events were discovered. No offers were made nor did the client authorize any plea negotiations. The case lasted 2 days and the jury was out less than 30 minutes before finding the client Not Guilty. (State of Ohio vs. J.R., Represented by Brad Koffel & Eric Willison).
  • Indictment Dismissed

    Mr. Koffel’s client was accused of illegal sexual touching of a high school student. He refused to resign and requested a full, public hearing on the allegations in order to clear his name. Mr. Koffel’s team investigated the case and concluded that the student (with special needs) was not a victim of sexual assault but of highly suggestive leading questions by school officials and detectives. The client was indicted for Gross Sexual Imposition that would have resulted in a prison term and 25 years of sex offender registration. After 6 months of representation and on the eve of his jury trial, the State of Ohio agreed to dismiss the indictment. (State of Ohio v. A.K.)

  • Indictment Dismissed

    Our client was accused by his 11-year-old daughter of committing a sex act against her resulting in 2 rape counts being filed against him. The alleged victim was placed in foster care and her father was remanded into custody then released on a large bond. Over the course of representation, Mr. Koffel’s team identified other witnesses who were told different stories by the daughter. Eventually, it became evident to the defense team the client was actually innocent and this was the fiction of a troubled 11 year old’s mind. Mr. Koffel’s client rejected offers to reduce his sentence if he just pled guilty. The day before his jury trial was scheduled to commence, the State of Ohio dismissed the case against him – 2 ½ years later. (State v. D.S.)