Do you know how to maximize your attorney-client relationship? Here are
tips, straight from a lawyer, on things to avoid doing that can improve
your overall client experience.
1. Just Drop By
Your lawyer is here for you – that’s why they took on your
case, but do your best to respect their schedule. The way they can help
you the best is by keeping an organized schedule. It can hurt more than
help to “just drop by” to check on how things are going, but
by all means, make appointments to do this whenever you feel it necessary.
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2. Expect Your Lawyer to Sort it Out
You retained your attorney to represent you in a criminal matter, but they
aren’t a mind reader. Your attorney might be the most experienced,
qualified individual you could have hoped to secure for your defense,
but they are human – they have limits. When you bring them documents
and other types of evidence, be as cohesive and organized as possible
to help your attorney out. Limit what you share with them to what you
know is pertinent to your case, to avoid further convoluting the issue.
3. Get Mad at Your Lawyer
It will be incredibly difficult for your lawyer to defend you if they don’t
like you. For this reason, avoid yelling and getting mad at your lawyer
over small issues. Know which hills to die on. It is not, for example,
worth an argument if your attorney is not available to speak with you
while he or she is having dinner with their family.
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4. Assume You Are the Only Client
Most attorneys take on multiple cases at a time – hopefully not too
many. Don’t get upset if your attorney or member of the legal staff
doesn’t automatically recognize you on the phone without identification.
Respect that your attorney is dealing with other clients that need him
or her as much as you do.
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5. Don’t Trust Your Lawyer
Skepticism in certain doses can be healthy, but overall, you want to trust
your lawyer. That is, after all, why you hired him or her. Often the best
case outcomes happen when the client trusts his or her attorney.
6. Hide Things from Your Lawyer
Help your lawyer help you by disclosing all relevant information. Far too
often, clients will keep things from their attorney. Even worse, clients
can spring things on their attorney in court.
7. Nickel and Dime
People pay money in exchange for goods and services. That’s just
how our economy works. If you retain an attorney, expect to pay legal
fees. Your attorney and his or her legal staff has worked hard on your
case, and regardless of the outcome, they deserve their dues.
Koffel Brininger Nesbitt loves getting to know it’s clients. We believe
this is the best way to foster a positive attorney-client relationship,
which often produces the best outcome. Learn more about our approach by
watching the video below, or contacting us directly to schedule a consultation.
Call or text 614-884-1100 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form