How can you keep your life on track if you’re facing DUI charges? Some people think that representing themselves will help them protect their freedom as well as their finances. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. If you don’t have experience speaking before a judge, your efforts to represent yourself may do serious damage to your case.
While you’re not required to work with a Columbus DUI lawyer, our services can help you stay ahead of the accusations that might otherwise ruin your life. Koffel | Brininger | Nesbitt doesn’t make you commit to representation straight away.
You can meet with our experienced legal professionals to discuss the kind of representation you want. It’s up to you whether we go to court on your behalf. You’re one call away from feeling better!
When Can You Face OVI Charges?
Ohio doesn’t charge its residents with DUIs. Instead, Ohio residents have to contend with OVI charges or charges of “operating a vehicle while intoxicated.” You can face OVI charges if police officers accuse you of:
- Operating any manner of vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Getting behind the wheel of a moving vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or more
- Operating a vehicle while under the influence of illegal and legal drugs, including mind-altering pharmaceuticals, marijuana, heroin, LSD, or cocaine
You can learn more about the amount of substances that may see you arrested for an OVI courtesy of Ohio Revised Code section 4511.19.
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What Consequences Come With OVI Charges?
Law enforcement requires you to undergo a series of tests to determine whether or not you’re intoxicated upon pulling you over for a suspected OVI. You can refuse to take these tests, but you will often face an immediate arrest as a result. Officers cannot force or coerce you into taking a test, or else they risk invalidating their right to a criminal case brought against you.
It’s in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as you can after an OVI arrest. If you do not challenge your OVI charges, you may face a minimum incarceration of three days as well as three years of license suspension and fines of up to $1,075.
The consequences you face for an alleged OVI can get worse if you have an existing criminal history or if you cause a dangerous accident while under the influence.
Should You Call a Lawyer to Address OVI Charges?
If you want to fight the OVI charges brought against you, you can do so alone, with help from a public defender, or with a privately practicing criminal defense attorney. We do not recommend trying to defend yourself from OVI charges alone unless you have pre-existing experience within the legal system.
Prosecutors have tricks they use to not only charge you with a DUI but to amplify any other alleged forms of misconduct you supposedly engaged in. If you’re not careful when interacting with the prosecution, you risk worsening the charges brought against you.
Our team understands how the prosecution works and can protect you from any tricks they may use to build their case. We can go on to argue that the charges brought against you don’t accurately reflect reality or otherwise violate your rights. In doing so, we can protect your right to remain on the road. Since 1993, we’ve been the law firm that other lawyers call.
What Can You Expect from a Criminal Defense Attorney?
You can count on a criminal defense attorney to stand with you throughout the entirety of your criminal case. We can meet with you within hours of your arrest to discuss your circumstances, discuss bail, and begin building your defense. We can then stand with you and help you arrange plea deals or argue a “not guilty” stance before a judge.
Our team can even provide you with support if your case falls through. We can help you appeal a judge’s decision and explore post-conviction support. You are our first priority throughout your case. You can subsequently benefit from the decades of combined criminal defense experience our team brings to the table.
You can learn more about our services during a criminal defense case evaluation. In our over 30 years of experience, we’ve received over 300 five-star reviews.
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How Can an Attorney Challenge Your OVI Charges?
Our team can challenge the OVI accusations leveled against you on several fronts. We can first and foremost argue that officers either inappropriately outlined your Miranda Rights or forewent those rights entirely. Officers who attempt to coerce you into speaking without a lawyer or who don’t read you your Miranda Rights can violate their right to legal action.
We can also investigate your circumstances to determine whether or not:
- You were subjected to wrongful search and seizure
- You were coerced or forced to take an at-the-scene awareness test
- Officers inappropriately administered a test to determine your level of intoxication
- Officers misrepresented the facts that led to your arrest
You can count on our team to come at your case from multiple angles to better help you protect your future. We offer low deposits and payment plans.
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Get in Touch With Our Team of Legal Professionals Today
You don’t want an inexperienced attorney trying to challenge OVI charges on your behalf. You need an attorney who’s been around the block before. The Ohio OVI lawyers with Koffel | Brininger | Nesbitt have served over 15,000 clients in your shoes. We know how OVI cases tend to play out and can work within the legal system to protect your future.
Our experience helps us maximize legal outcomes for clients exactly like you. Are you ready to learn more? You can contact our team by calling our office or reaching out through our online contact form. We‘re available 7 days a week, 7 am – 10 pm.
Call or text 614-884-1100 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form