Former Ohio State University coach Zach Smith pleaded guilty to a reduced
charge on Tuesday, October 23. He was initially charged with criminal
trespass following an incident with his ex-wife, Courtney Smith in May
of this year, but ended up with a charge of disorderly conduct.
Attorney Brad Koffel, who represented Zach throughout his case, said that
his client and his client’s ex-wife came to a mutual agreement to
stay away from each other for the next three years. According to Koffel,
the agreement was not a finding or order from the judge, but still needed
to be filed in court. Zach posted a statement on Twitter following the
“I would like to take this opportunity today to thank my family, friends,
supporters and attorneys Brad Koffel and Dennis Horvath.As I have stated from day one, I was falsely accused of very serious allegations
that should not be taken lightly. As well as charged with breaking a law
that I did not break. The media circus that ensued caused a great deal
of harm to my family, my grandfathers legacy and ruined my professional
career I worked extremely hard for since 2005.Domestic Violence is a horrific crime and as a father to two beautiful
daughters of whom I adore, I have been destroyed over the public perception
and media’s spin on things that came out. Mostly severely inaccurate
and damaging.I have made sure that we agreed to a Mutual Protection Order so that I
am never in a situation to get falsely or wrongfully accused of anything
ever again.I would also hope that, in the future, in situations that involve domestic
situations, people withhold judgment until the truth can come out. Finding
someone guilty without the entire picture and facts is a horrific and
dangerous practice that is far too common today. Everyone has rights,
male or female, and false or premature judgments harm innocent people.This practice of ruining a human being and their family before truths can
come out is archaic and directly opposed to how the judicial process is
designed to work.To family, friends and fans that reached out offering their support and
stories: you helped me get through this more than you ever could know.To those people who sent hateful and horrible messages: I am praying for you.
I miss my players terribly and that has been the hardest aspect to deal
with. Watching them thrive and grow from afar has been rewarding to see
but heartbreaking to not be a part of.I look forward to moving on and helping my kids move forward into the next
chapter of our lives.”
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