Attorney Brad Koffel and attorney Eric Willison discuss the life of former
World War II veteran and Ohio State football legend Pandel Savic (6:16),
the importance of the family road trip (11:44), the laws around using
Bird scooters and whether or not you can get a DUI while riding one (19:39),
the ongoing Stormy Daniels case and
ORC 2097.40 C2, the law used to arrest her (27:35), and how confirmation bias can impact
detectives and your case (31:16).
ORC 2097 C2:
No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a
sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented
business and while nude or seminude, shall knowingly touch a patron who
is not a member of the employee’s immediate family or another employee
who is not a member of the employee’s immediate family or the clothing
of a patron who is not a member of the employee’s immediate family
or another employee who is not a member of the employee’s immediate
family or allow a patron who is not a member of the employee’s immediate
family or another employee who is not a member of the employee’s immediate
family to touch the employee or the clothing of the employee.
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